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About 365 InHouse
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About 365 InHouse

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Working with public and private organisations across multiple sectors around the globe, 365 InHouse is the culmination of 20 years experience in end-to-end digital transformations with a specialisation in CRM and ERP, supporting all major platforms.


The company was created in 2018 out of frustration. Not ours – but businesses’ exasperation at stalled digital transformations and becoming overly dependent on their digital partners for development and support. These companies want to become more successful, independent and self-sufficient; to be in total control of their technology solutions and the costs associated with implementing and maintaining business critical systems.


365 InHouse was created to address these frustrations by bringing our leadership and talent network together from several other ventures to form a single full lifecycle, technology agnostic, digital transformation agency; an entity dedicated to providing clients with the processes needed to achieve more success in their digital transformations while maintaining autonomy and cost effectiveness. And it’s an approach that’s working for our clients.


At 365 InHouse, we’re passionate about providing you with solutions that are adopted by your users, loved by your customers, and accelerate your organisation through growth & efficiency; all while giving you the autonomy you need to stay in control, in sustainable ways that produce a return on your investment.

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