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Leading FM Provider Case Study

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Leading FM technology provider becomes self-sufficient using 365 InHouse’s innovative services


The Facilities Management (FM) software business within Real Estate Technology leaders MRI had been using a bespoke Microsoft Dynamics 365 / Power Platform solution for some time. To enhance the use of the system and achieve greater efficiencies the time was right to replace its Microsoft Partner, for maintaining and evolving its system, with a partnership with preferred supplier 365 InHouse.


365 InHouse has allowed the FM business to achieve self-sufficiency as well as to introduce powerful new functionality to the user base. Having a permanent and dedicated inhouse CRM administrator has also been hugely beneficial.


The use of the innovative InHouse Success Blueprint, from 365 InHouse, provides a range of tailored services that enables companies to successfully take over and manage their Microsoft solution inhouse. On this occasion, it also acted as the basis for an industry-first programme for sourcing, training and mentoring individual talent up to required seniority levels.


The two companies also co-invested in training junior consultant, through this programme. This role is now a vital inhouse role for this ongoing project, providing a more flexible and cost effective benefit which would not have been achieved with a contractor or Microsoft Partner.

MRI Real Estate Software

About the Company


Since 1990, the company has been the industry leader in FM solutions, helping businesses to streamline their complex operations. Working across a vast range of industries globally, the company is committed to giving its clients the tools they need to manage their facilities and support the wellbeing of staff and customers, using simplified cloud-based processes.


In 2021, the company was acquired by MRI Software , a global leader in real estate software solutions with offices in North America, EMEA and APAC. The acquisition brings together the best in Facilities, Workplace and Property Management Technology.

The Challenge


The Dynamics 365 / Power Platform had been successfully adopted, however, there were other factors in wanting to switch to 365 InHouse; to reduce its reliance on its Gold Partner in the long term, to secure the Partner's code and IP, to introduce global reporting, and to implement stronger governance processes.


To address these multiple challenges, the company investigated a suitable replacement.

The FM company wanted to become more self-sufficient, to maintain its Microsoft solution to the highest Standard, and to continue deliver on its list of priorities for the solution.


Richard White, Principal Consultant for 365 InHouse, was initially brought on board and then the search for a permanent administrator could begin. As Kevin Shipp, Professional Services Director, explains: “Richard joined us to help with our Dynamics system, and it came on leaps and bounds with his knowledge and expertise. When Richard learned that we required a dedicated full time CRM administrator, he recommended we work together to accelerate the process. Because of his excellent work on our Microsoft solution, it made sense to partner up.


The Solution


Richard then came to the company with a proposal: that he employ a Junior at 365 InHouse, and would then provide the on-the-job training and mentoring needed to bring the candidate’s skills sets and expertise up to the level required for the CRM system. This innovative approach would enable the FM business to gradually become self-sufficient and to introduce new functionality, all while maintaining the high quality of its Microsoft solution, as Richard would oversee the project.


With all parties in agreement, 365 InHouse began its search for a Junior of the caliber to meet the three main criteria that are the mark of a good consultant, based on 365 InHouse’s founding principles of delivering outstanding Microsoft solutions through People, Process and Technology:

The candidate must have experience working with clients and in-house teams.

The candidate must have experience of implementing solutions to ensure they have a basic level of business awareness.

The candidate must have 1-2 years of Dynamics 365/Power Platform experience so their technical aptitude can be properly assessed and tested.

In return, Richard would provide the candidate with mentoring and training in all aspects of the role including:

Business analysis • change management • project management • client management •

full D365 & PP technology training.



Framework for success

Underpinning this programme was 365 InHouse’s innovative InHouse Success Framework that offers a robust development and governance infrastructure to deliver new and optimised systems so they can be developed and managed internally. The framework would act as the basis for the candidate’s training so they could begin delivering results from day one.


The vetting process itself began with several candidates interviewed and tested by 365 InHouse including an ex-Information Officer with CRM experience. Richard saw in this person the right aptitude and growth potential, and importantly, the right fit for the culture at the FM business. 365 InHouse submitted him as its preferred choice and after the interview process, the FM business agreed, and he was brought on board.


The new Consultant promptly began working alongside Richard to maintain the Dynamics 365 / Power Platform solution while receiving intensive training delivered through 365 InHouse’s Learning Academy. This equated to 50 hours of training a month during the first 12 months. After the first year, the training time was reduced to 25 hours, and for the current year three, this is now 6-8 hours a month.

The Outcome


As soon as the Consultant arrived in 2018, he embedded himself in the day-to-day business. This gave the company access to a dedicated staff member who was able to fully understand its business requirements and help deliver functionality from data comprehension through to full blown project plans – all in sync with the corporate strategies.


During these three years, he has delivered a number of projects including:

  • Rolling out a support helpdesk

  • Upgrading to Dynamics 365 online

  • Territory on-boarding

  • Implementing a security structure review

  • Currently re-engineering the sales process

  • Integrating the acquired business into the MRI processes and technologies.

365 InHouse have also delivered other specific functionality as requested, such as introducing a global reporting system that now feeds in financial data from the company’s entities across the world. The previous reporting system only covered the UK, Canada and Hong Kong but has been scaled up to include the Middle East and the APEC region.


Utilising a key element of 365 InHouse’s Success Framework, the company’s existing governance programme has been upgraded to a new multi-tier governance programme that involves all key stakeholders. 365 InHouse has also secured and documented the code created by the previous partner. This means MRI now holds the code’s IP and can maintain and upgrade it inhouse.


Collective success

Reflecting on these past three years, 365 InHouse’s Consultant says: “my favourite part has been watching the adoption of the processes I helped install and seeing that ownership from users as we talk about the day-to-day governance of their Microsoft Dynamics 365 & Power Platform environment. The objective from here is to continue building on our collective success.


The FM business also benefits from 365 InHouse’s ability to source additional specialists as and when required. From developers to data analysts, 365 InHouse provides the talent needed within a week of any request being made. Importantly, 365 InHouse delivers the same consultants for each project, enabling them to become part of the culture.


Such a flexibility of services is also ingrained into 365 InHouse’s own culture, allowing the Microsoft Gold Partner to quickly adapt to the day-to-day priorities. This in effect makes 365 InHouse an inhouse operation, and one that is always able to meet the company’s many evolving needs.


Honest feedback

This approach offers significant benefits as Kevin Shipp explains: “Many of our staff are surprised when they hear the inhouse Consultant is in fact an employee of 365 InHouse. They automatically think he is a permanent staff member because of the great fit. It has also been invaluable having access to a team that offers solutions but is also very honest about the risks involved with any ambitious plans we have for our highly bespoke solution.


Because of this strong partnership, the collaboration continues to move forward. This ensures that, no matter how Microsoft’s Dynamics 365/Power Platform solution develops in the future, the FM company will continue to be self-sufficient while benefiting from an optimised, cost-effective system. And a system that is led by a CRM consultant sourced and trained through 365 InHouse’s innovative programme, which is now available to other companies via its new Consultant Power-Up Course.


365 InHouse offers a great team of people to work with, one we trust to deliver solutions that make us more self-sufficient and more cost effective.

Kevin Shipp

Senior Director of Operations, MRI Software

Richard White CEO 365 InHouse

Our unique programme has increased the company’s self-sufficiency as well as cut costs to such an extent that they have replaced its previous Microsoft Partner with 365 InHouse.

Richard White

CEO, 365 InHouse

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