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    Blog Post

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    • Writer's pictureRichard S White

    An Agile Approach to Kick Start an Enterprise Level Case Management Project

    There are 3 core challenges when kick starting a greenfield case management implementation that is aimed at incorporating processes from across the entirety of a large organisation:

    1) Where do we start?

    2) How will we create a common case framework for analysis, design, development and review that can used for all processes, even the most complex

    3) How do we move from project initiation to a well oiled agile road map that ticks like clock work.

    At the recent Dynamics 365 Saturday conference, we witnessed some great presentations all centred around the 'Customer Service' module. During the conference I explored my experience with these 3 challenges above, provided a framework and a road map template that enabled a successful project kick off, and I shared the lessons I learned along the way.

    Please see the recording below. I hope you find it useful.


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