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  • Writer's pictureRichard S White

#2 Super User Groups - Top 10 Governance to Guarantee Digital Transformation Success

Dynamics 365 projects fail for many reasons.

In ‘Series Intro - Top 10 Governance Structures to Guarantee Dynamics 365 Success’, we outlined how we define a failure in Dynamics 365 (D365) & Power Platform (PP) projects.

Without the correct governance structures in place, common symptoms start to appear and imminent death, project death, is just around the corner.

This death is avoidable through good governance structures, our best practices for which we’ll be sharing throughout these posts.

Each governance structure identified in our series has its own requirements and impact.

In this monthly series, one of our lead consultants, Richard White, shares his real-world experiences of how these structures affect the organisations that use, or fail to use, them correctly.

Following our first post on The Steering Group, the next strategy to avoid project death is The Super User Group.

Once again, we will look at what it is, the symptoms you will notice from its absence, how you can go about setting the structure up, and the benefits that come from its existence.

What is a Super User Group?

A super user group is the engine room, or the hive mind, of your D365 & PP implementation.

Its key function is collecting and centralising updates from all the relevant departments, as well as facilitating communication by disseminating information from the steering group to the end users and escalating issues up the chain where necessary.

The group will report regular departmental status updates and discuss any issues that impact multiple business areas, coming to agreements that work for all those involved.

The super user group also maintains the change request register and will assess and categorise Requests for Change (RFCs) into two categories:

  • Grade 1 RFCs, that are strategic, likely to affect many or all users, and may involve a change to business processes; and

  • Grade 2 RFCs, that are more minor, likely aesthetic changes like form fields, system views, or column widths.

By understanding the status of each department, the super user group is better placed to prioritise change requests to ensure they are dealt with in the right order.

What are the benefits of a super user group?

Super user groups, set up right, can literally transform how departments interact with one another, whether they adopt the system, and how they feel about it.

Representation, Communication, and Prioritisation. These are what having a super user group gives organisations.

All the areas that use, or will use, D365 & PP are represented. That “will use” clause is so important. Wherever possible, even departments who aren’t using the system yet should still be involved if they’re likely to do so in the future.

Its best to get their advice on fundamental design principles early on, or they could later feel they have inherited a system rather than been a part of its evolution. It’s well known that changes are far easier (and cheaper) to make earlier in the design process.

The risks of not utilising a super user group

I don’t usually have to ask whether a super user group is in place; I hear it in what users say and the tone in which they say it.

Common complaints from within organisations that don’t have a super user group include the system not working for a specific group of users. They’ll tell me it was built for some other department, and they’re simply told how to use it.

This isn’t always true though. Sometimes, the system has been built specifically for that department, but without the ongoing interaction between designers and users, things don’t quite align. Unless that representation exists, critical issues can be missed and engagement from users can be lacking.

If those problems get too serious, it can lead to infighting between departments, as they resist its adoption, feeling like they’ve had little say in the system.

This can cause total chaos, and the changes to D365 & PP implementation that may arise as a ‘quick fix’ to these issues can negatively impact other areas. It’s a chain reaction that is best avoided early on.

Even if the right people are in the conversation, it’s important to have the formal structures in place that a well-defined super user group provides, like an escalation process as well as monitoring of project progress and change requests.

Despite the risks, I have been in many organisations that don’t have a super user group. Once they set one up and see how vital it is, they often wonder how they ever managed without it!

Creating a super user group

How should you form a super user group to avoid the drama of inter-departmental warfare? Keep in mind the key principle of representation and carefully consider the entire system lifecycle to ensure current and future users are included. Knowing departmental plans will make this far easier.

Our suggested member list includes:

  • One super user for each department using or expecting to use D365 & PP,

  • The D365 & PP Lead Consultants.

To get started, expect the super user group to meet for 1-2 hours every fortnight, though you can adjust this frequency as needed. The D365 & PP team should be able to prepare the agenda in advance and facilitate the meeting.

The challenges of running a super user group

It’s critical that directors absorb this meeting as a priority and ensure that their department is represented. If directors don’t take it seriously, their staff won’t either, as they typically see their day-to-day roles and targets as priority.

The best way I have found to tackle this is to win the directorship over, so as to make it mandatory. If need be, have a system for sending a proxy if someone from the department is unable to attend a given meeting, allowing some leeway.

Avoid allowing proxies to become the norm though—super users have to be the right people, namely subject matter experts in their department with an aptitude for the People, the Process and the Technology.

Setting boundaries and rules can help emphasise the importance of attendance. Only accept or process RFCs from a department if that department has an attendee present.

Facilitation can also be a challenge and will highlight the need for an experienced D365 & PP Lead Consultant. Giving everyone an equal opportunity to be heard isn’t as simple as it sounds!

Putting time into getting the right super user group is worth all the effort. The improvement in communication and buy-in that comes from having everyone represented is a sight to behold. Not getting the right people can sadly be as detrimental as not having them at all!

As part of our Consultant Power-Up Course, we provide a template for identifying the right super users as well as a template for running the super user group meeting.

In the next post within the ‘Top 10 Governance Structure to Guarantee Dynamics 365 Success’ series, we will discuss strategy #3, ‘Design Authority’.

If you want to get these posts straight to your inbox, then be sure to sign up to the mailing list below.


Richard S White

A seasoned Digital Transformation Executive renowned for leading high-performance teams towards innovative and strategic technology solutions. Specialises in steering organisations through complex digital transformations, fostering productive and accountable partnerships. Known for effectively guiding projects to success, aligning them with business objectives, and enhancing organisational self-sufficiency. Skilled in blending technology with business strategy, adept at facilitating candid discussions, aligning stakeholders, and crafting strategic roadmaps, positioned as an invaluable asset for organisations navigating the complexities of digital transformation.

Want help with your specific situation? Connect with Richard on LinkedIn to setup a free no obligation virtual coffee:


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