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  • Writer's pictureRichard S White

#5 User Surgeries - Top 10 Governance to Guarantee Dynamics 365 & Power Platform Success

Dynamics 365 projects fail for many reasons.

In ‘Series Intro - Top 10 Governance Structures to Guarantee Dynamics 365 Success’, we outlined how we define a failure in Dynamics 365 (D365) & Power Platform (PP) projects.

Without the correct governance structures in place, common symptoms start to appear and imminent death, project death, is just around the corner.

This death is avoidable through good governance structures, our best practices for which we’ll be sharing throughout these posts.

Each governance structure identified in our series has its own requirements and impact.

In this monthly series, one of our lead consultants, Richard White, shares his real-world experiences of how these structures affect the organisations that use, or fail to use, them correctly.

Following our last post on The Change Advisory Board (CAB), the next strategy to avoid project death is User Surgeries.

Once again, we will look at what it is, the symptoms you will notice from its absence, how you can go about setting the structure up, and the benefits that come from its existence.

What are user surgeries?

User surgeries are ‘open hours’ where D365 & PP Consultants make themselves available to offer technical help and empower users to develop their own skills.

This can lighten the burden on the D365 & PP team and help users. One of the most significant bottlenecks user surgeries help to alleviate is in helping users build their own views, charts, dashboards and reports, rather than relying on the experts for relatively simple tasks.

What are the benefits of user surgeries?

User surgeries free up your team while empowering users to take ownership of their solution.

One of the most common ways to limit your D365 & PP team is to offer them to users as ‘the reporting team’. While the team obviously have the ability to create charts, views, dashboards, and reports easily, the truth of the matter is that any user can do likewise with a bit of guidance.

As such, user surgeries are an opportunity to help users reduce their dependence on the team for reporting functions. This often leads to users getting the data they want faster without that reliance, and builds a positive perception of the D365 & PP software.

Empowering users is a great way to build traction and garner support for D365 & PP use throughout the business.

One important aspect is that you’re not just casting users out to fend for themselves. The D365 & PP team can validate when a reporting requirement is too technical for a standard user to write. In these cases, a change request can be completed and submitted to the super user group for review.

Similarly, users with any non-reporting problem that requires implementation from the D365 & PP team will be directed to submit an RFC (Request for Change).

The risks of forgoing user surgeries

My team couldn’t introduce new processes or expand to new areas of the business since it was inundated with requests to build charts, views, and reports.

Without a medium through which users can improve their own D365 & PP skills, those users remain reliant on the D365 & PP team. This will increase lead times for reports and block the team from broadening their own impact on crucial business activities.

If you teach instead of just providing a short-term solution again and again, you’ll save plenty of time, effort, and money in the long run.

How to implement user surgeries

Running user surgeries are easy enough—we’ll come onto the challenges of generating buy-in for them! But if you have that executive support already, simply set-up a regular day, roughly once a fortnight, where one or more D365 & PP Consultants are available to users.

Whether run as a drop-in clinic or with bookable time slots, your consultants can continue to work as normal on days when there’s no need for their expertise. A lack of demand where it previously existed is a sign that users are starting to take responsibility for their own report generation!

The D365 & PP manager, as well as the D365 & PP Consultant, can regularly promote the surgeries so that users are aware of what time is available to work through problems.

As part of our Consultant Power-Up Course, we provide templates for communicating and marketing the user surgeries along with a process of signing people up.

The challenges of implementing user surgeries

There is going to be resistance at first, I guarantee it. Users accustomed to having their reports written for them will not appreciate being told to do it themselves! It’s essential though not to make any exceptions from the very beginning.

I remember implementing user surgeries in an organisation where the D365 & PP team had long handled reports for users, which kept the team tied up virtually full time. These were basic reports and yet users were frustrated at how long it was taking to generate them.

From day one, we insisted that users at every level would build these items themselves. Saying no to a director was a litmus test—if we didn’t make an exception for them, we didn’t make an exception for anyone.

It only took a few surgeries for people to see how much faster and easier it was to bring us their requirements, learn the process, and produce reports themselves.

You also need to be aware, and make it clear, that these surgeries aren’t training sessions. Users should arrive with specific requirements and learn how to fulfil those themselves. The team isn’t there to make everyone a superuser.

Implementing this and setting firm boundaries requires strength but can have a drastic impact. When I said no to that director, I knew my job was on the line, but the success of the user surgeries quickly proved me right!

In the next post within the ‘Top 10 Governance Structure to Guarantee Dynamics 365 Success’ series, we will discuss strategy #6, ‘Weekly Updates’.

If you want to get these posts straight to your inbox, then be sure to sign up to the mailing list below.


Richard S White

A seasoned Digital Transformation Executive renowned for leading high-performance teams towards innovative and strategic technology solutions. Specialises in steering organisations through complex digital transformations, fostering productive and accountable partnerships. Known for effectively guiding projects to success, aligning them with business objectives, and enhancing organisational self-sufficiency. Skilled in blending technology with business strategy, adept at facilitating candid discussions, aligning stakeholders, and crafting strategic roadmaps, positioned as an invaluable asset for organisations navigating the complexities of digital transformation.

Want help with your specific situation? Connect with Richard on LinkedIn to setup a free no obligation virtual coffee:


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